Experiments in Engineering
This past fall, Cape Fear Engineering was invited to a local school to give a few lessons on engineering and how it impacts our day-to-day lives. The first experiment was to have the children create their own miniature water filtration systems using various natural materials. Sand, gravel and cotton were placed in separate pin-holed cups to act as the filters. The children then poured dirty, colored water through the filter cups. By experimenting with the position of the filters, the children were able to discover what filters, when used together, created the cleanest water.
The next challenge was group activity where the children were on divided into four teams and given 15 fuzzy sticks per team and instructed to work together creating the tallest free standing tower. As our CFE Team guided the children through their Fuzzy Stick constructions, the children had to overcome small obstacles such as working without talking for a full minute or only working with one hand. It was great to see the children understand the importance of working together as a team throughout the whole process.
Our CFE Team was very impressed by how much the kids already knew about engineering and their excitement to learn more!