Project Details
The ME Roberts II Transitional Living Facility project located in Wilmington, North Carolina involved a complete renovation and redevelopment of the existing New Hanover Jail Annex facility into a half-way house for persons transitioning from the correctional system back into society.
The project site was approximately 1.8 acres and included an approximately 9,600 square foot building renovation.
Cape Fear Engineering worked closely with a multi-disciplined design team throughout the design and construction process to identify and resolve potential conflicts and work within project schedule and budgetary constraints.
Responsibilities + Solutions
Cape Fear Engineering was responsible for designing and permitting all site improvements which included redevelopment and expansion of existing parking facilities, addition of sidewalks to provide pedestrian circulation, new site amenities, tree removal and tree preservation plan, new site landscaping, site grading and drainage improvements, stormwater collection and treatment, and onsite utility upgrades.
Site permitting and approval requirements included Zoning Compliance from New Hanover County, Stormwater Redevelopment from NCDEQ and New Hanover County, Erosion Control from New Hanover County, and Utility Connections from Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA). Cape Fear Engineering also provided periodic construction inspections and prepared as-builts and certifications for project closeout.