151 Poole Road, Ste. 100 Leland, NC 28451
P: 910.383.1044
F: 910.383.1045

Project Details

The Southport Walgreens is a nearly 15,000 square foot retail store located on NC Highway 211 on an approximately 1.66 acre outparcel in front of the Lowe’s Home Improvement Center.


Due to high ground water levels, poor onsite infiltration rates and limited real estate, the stormwater management system was designed using an underground piped detention system and stormwater pump station to convey stormwater runoff to the offsite Lowe’s Home Improvement Stormwater Pond System.

In addition to offsite stormwater permitting for the Walgreens Site, Cape Fear Engineering redesigned and permitted two offsite Stormwater Ponds owned by Lowe’s Home Improvement in order to bring them into compliance and allow the Walgreens outparcel to be permitted.

Responsibilities + Solutions

Cape Fear Engineering was responsible for designing and permitting all site improvements which included parking and drive through facilities, sidewalks to provide pedestrian circulation on site and to connect to adjacent developments, site landscaping, site grading and drainage improvements, stormwater collection, and utility connections.

Site permitting and approval requirements included Zoning Compliance from the City of Southport, Stormwater from NCDEQ and the City of Southport, Erosion Control from NCDEQ, NCDOT Encroachment, NCDOT Driveway and Utility Connections from Brunswick County and the City of Southport.

Cape Fear Engineering also provided full project management and construction administration services in addition to performing periodic construction inspections and preparing as-builts and certifications for project closeout.