Project Details
Waterford of the Carolinas is an ongoing 700 acre community that includes approximately 1,500 residential units and multiple large commercial tracts.
To date Cape Fear Engineering has designed and permitted site and utility infrastructure including over 61,000 LF of gravity sewer, 12,000 LF of sewer force main, five duplex sewer pump stations (85 GPM, 195 GPM and 475 GPM and 270 GPM), and 65,000 LF of waterlines.
Responsibilities + Solutions
For nearly 14 years, Cape Fear Engineering has been responsible for land surveying, land planning, civil engineering, environmental consulting, project management, and construction administration for the project.
Cape Fear Engineering has provided cost estimates, assisted in preparing bid packages and reviewing contractor bids, prepared and reviewed project schedules, assisted with contractor change orders, reviewed contractor pay requests, provided construction inspections, and provided as-builts and certifications.
Cape Fear Engineering has obtained numerous Water Extension, Gravity Sanitary Sewer Extension, Erosion and Sedimentation Control and State Stormwater permits for the overall project and for individual project development phases.
Throughout construction Cape Fear Engineering has provided periodic construction observations and inspections of utility installation and will be responsible for providing Professional Engineer’s Certifications to NCDENR for water distribution, sewer collection, and stormwater management permits.